For day 20, ESC Covers think it is time to say YES. This is the title of the 2020 Eurovision entry from DENMARK. The song is being sung by BEN & TAN. It is quite a catchy song and we think YES it would have made the final.
Last night was the last of three shows in Austria about the 2020 Eurovision song contest. The three show winners are Iceland, Malta and Austria and then they voted for the final winner which turned out to be ICELAND. So that is why the promo single cover of ICELAND gets its turn today as the 19th promo single. The song is THINK ABOUT THINGS and we do have a lot of time now to think about things during the isolation. The song is being performed by Daði og Gagnamagnið.
We have reached the 18th promo single of the 41 from the 2020 Eurovision song contest. This one is from GEORGIA. The song is called TAKE ME AS I AM and is performed by TORNIKE KIPIANI.
It is finally time to publish the cover of the 2020 Eurovision entry from ESTONIA. The song is called WHAT LOVE IS and is sung by UKU SUVISTE. This entry is the number one song of ESC Covers this year.
It is day 16 and so the 16th cover of one of the 41 promo singles of the 2020 Eurovision song contest. I have decided to post RUSSIA which I only got yesterday but I love it so much, one of the best covers Stephan has designed for the 2020 singles. The Russian entry is called UNO and it is being sung by LITTLE BIG. We will never know if this song would have been BIG or LITTLE at Eurovision.
SANDRO was selected to represent CYPRUS at the 2020 Eurovision song contest. His song is called RUNNING. Here is the promo single that was designed for ESC Covers.
BULGARIA returned to Eurovision 2020 after a short break. They announced that VICTORIA will represent them and towards the end of the selection process, they announced she will sing a song called TEARS GETTING SOBER. Here is the promo cover for it.
The 13th promo single cover comes from ARMENIA. Their song for the 2020 Eurovision song contest is called CHAINS ON YOU. It is being sung by ATHENA MANOUKIAN.
The next promo cover is that of BELGIUM. This country was the first to announce their artist for 2020 being HOOVERPHONIC. There was great excitement as the group is well known along many music lovers. They song they wrote for the 2020 Eurovision song contest called RELEASE ME.
It is April 11th and so the 11th cover of one of the promo singles of the 41 Eurovision entries of 2020. It is the entry from FRANCE. The singer is TOM LEEB and the song is called THE BEST IN ME. Thomas Gson was one of the composers. I really love the song.