Category Archives: Member blog


by Richard Isaac (Seattle)

Normally a glimpse of the aging members of Lordi in full costume roaming the dusty desert streets in their wheelchairs would be the most memorable moment of the 99th Eurovision Global Song Contest.

But the backstage romance between the Israeli and Palestinian members of their joint delegation has captured most of the headlines in advance of the finals taking place this weekend, May 29–30, 2054. The press broke the story of Shimon and Suleiman just before last weekend’s semifinals, when they were caught at a candlelight dinner on the outskirts of host city Bamako, the other band members nowhere in sight.

Still, since the Treaty of Amsterdam of 2022 put an end to the century-long Middle East conflict, the only scandal the tabloids have been able to find is that their mothers are complaining that the young men hadn’t yet told them.

Mali, named a UNESCO World Music heritage site in 2027, is in full regalia to welcome the 59 delegations, after having finally won with Ali Selif “Elvis” Touré’s rousing “Bembera” last year. Being the first African nation on top in ten years, the country and its capital are putting on a colorful show for the world.

The four quarterfinals — instituted soon after the contest went global in 2033 — went smoothly last month, featuring 111 entries in all: 25 from each zone (12 of which advance), plus the Big Ten and Mali.

In the Americas competition, Cuba and Haiti easily took the top points, and Big Ten members USA and Brazil automatically advanced along with the other top-scoring nations. Canada’s Justin Bieber III did not qualify, however.

In the Asia/Oceania quarterfinal, the Sri Lankan fusion trio Sri Blind Mice squeaked out first place over Papua New Guinea and the other 10 qualifiers, who joined Big Ten members India, Australia, and Korea (which alternates with Japan and China for the East Asia Big Ten spot).

The Africa/Middle East contest, West African nations dominated the top spots, with host Mali also automatically advancing with Big Ten member South Africa and this year’s pan-Arab Big Ten representative, Iraq. The joint Israel-Palestine delegation (the fifth such in 32 years) made a splash with an up-tempo dance number, “Wholly Land.”

Malta continued its lucky streak in the European quarterfinal, joining other “smallies” Liechtenstein, Monaco, Andorra, and San Marino among the top finishers. UK, Germany, and Russia (which alternate with France, Spain, and Sweden for the European Big Ten spots) rounded out the 15 total advancing from the contest’s home ground, including strong contenders Czechia and Vatican City.

Italy (having dropped out in 2041 after four consecutive wins) had been rumored to be returning—again—but in the end decided not to. It was Turkey’s year to compete in the European quarterfinal, but maybe it will have better luck in next year’s Asia quarterfinal.

The 59 semifinalists were, as usual, randomly shuffled without regard to geography into last weekend’s two semifinals, and the top 20 from each (plus host Mali) are being sent along to this weekend’s split finals on Friday and Saturday nights, Greenwich time. (Since 2044, the Big Ten have not had a right to automatically pass through to the finals, allowing for more diversity in the final 41, but five of them made it through this year.)

Of course, since the shows are broadcast globally at different times of day, the vote results will be withheld until the two-hour special on Sunday afternoon, so everyone can see both shows and not lose too much sleep.

There are some surprises among the finalists, including two entries in Esperanto. Since the language restriction was reintroduced in 2021 (allowing songs only in official languages), several nations adopted English as an official language, but EGSC organizers saw through the ruse and limited English songs to the British Isles, Malta, Gibraltar, and other longstanding English-speaking lands, such as Singapore and Liberia. In protest, Esperanto has been revived as a way to reach broader audiences.

Some things remain as they always have: the songs are no longer than three minutes, only six people are allowed on stage, and fireworks and wind machines are encouraged. The hosts’ banter is still generally silly, as are some of the costumes.

Who will win this weekend is anyone’s guess, though. The betting sites favor the strong entries from Malta, Cuba, and the host’s neighbor Burkina Faso. Will Sweden take home its 12th prize? Will dark-horse Laos come from behind? Or will onetime-powerhouse Ireland break its 58-year losing streak? That would sure please the veteran BBC host, 91-year-old Graham Norton!


Written by Edward Till (UK)

I’ve been lucky enough to attend 6 Eurovision Song Contests now (Athens 06, Dusseldorf 11, Baku 12, Malmö 13, Copenhagen 14 & Vienna 15) and often get asked which was my favourite Contest. I realised that it was difficult to answer as each Contest had it’s own pros and cons.

So what does it take to produce a great Contest to actually attend, as opposed to watching on television. I’m sure those of you who have attended o contest will have their own criteria, but for me, it all comes down to the following factors:

    Eurovision Fever in the host city

This can influence your enjoyment of the contest immensely. When the city is wrapped up in Eurovision logos and your favourite Eurovision songs are playing in the shops, it really can make you feel welcomed in your host city.

Here I would have to say Malmö won hands down for me. Being a small city, you really felt the presence of Eurovision everywhere you went, from the Eurovision butterflies adorning the statues, the Eurovision hits played in the train stations, and even the Eurovision canal cruise.

Who lacked in this regard? I would have to say Vienna. The venues were so spread out and this large host city is so used to many more tourists, that you just didn’t see the Eurovision spirit until you arrived at the arena.

    The venue itself

When you have thousands of excited fans in a small area, you want the venue to be able to handle the crowds easily enough, is easy to get to and has a great vibe.

I think the best venue so far was probably Vienna. There were enough food and drinks stands to handle your orders quickly, the atmosphere was fantastic, it was easy to get in, easy enough to get to, and just very well organised.

The worst for me? Probably Baku. The venue itself was amazing, but it was a long walk to get to, there wasn’t enough food and drinks available (not even water on the first night), and the security did not make you feel at all welcome.

    That special something

Each year, there is something that makes that year particularly memorable. Maybe it’s the glorious weather, or the fact that it is your first Contest, or that your favourite won.

For me, the most memorable contest has to be Baku because of all the new and lasting friendships that was made that year. The organisers insisted on only issuing tickets on that day for each show, meaning we were forced to meet up as an OGAE crowd before every show to pick up our tickets for that day, and as such ended up travelling to the venue together too, socialising along the way.

So to sum it all up? Which was my favourite year? If I had to choose, it would be Malmö in 2013. The weather was perfect, it was well organised, the city embraced all the fans and a fantastic week of Eurovision was had by all. Although Baku was definitely a close second (despite the problems with the venue).

What was your favourite, and why?


Written by David Thielen (USA)


The first Eurovision I attended in person was Malmö and it was beyond anything I could have imagined. All of it was incredible but of the acts, Zlata had me in tears her song and presentation was so beautiful. And then Cezar, where I left the semi-final thinking OMG what was that, and not liking it at all. And then over the next couple of days it grew on me to the point that it was my second favorite in the final.

And then came Copenhagen. There were a lot of songs I thought were brilliant. But none reached me like Zlata and Cezar. I figured part of that was the first time. And part was that while there were about 10 that I wanted to see win (including Moldova who came in last in their semi), none were as special. And so maybe it was the acts. I did have a wonderful time there and a lot of the music was everything I expected, but no beyond wonderful moments.

So for Vienna I expected once again for it to be like Copenhagen, wonderful but nothing that was beyond anything before. And then…

Monika’s entry from Poland – my god. One of the most uplifting beautiful songs/story I have ever seen. The song by itself is beautiful. The way it was staged was brilliant. One of the most emotional songs ever.

Il Volo’s entry from Italy – possibly the most amazing act at Eurovision ever. And what made it better is I went in thinking their entry was good, but not the best there. Then they came out as the last act, and pulled me in, more and more and more. And by the end they blew me away, far beyond any of my favorites up to that point.

And the list goes on. Russia, France, Sweden all had songs that most years would (or at least should – what were the voters thinking with France) have easily won. Serbia when they broke it open half way through had me jumping and shouting and basically going nuts. I’d say over 30 of the entries were world class.

So there will never be another entry like Zlata or Cezar. But there will also never be another entry like Monika or Il Volo. And that means next year in Sweden I can again expect what I found in both 2013 & 2015 – something absolutely magical.



Written by Shirley Thielen (USA)


I have come to appreciate Eurovision over the last 2 years, primarily because my husband doesn’t shut up about it and so I figured I’d better to watch and see what it’s all about. I’ve come to like it enough that I’ve gone back to watch much of the last 6 years’ shows.


Over that time there are a lot of incredible acts, not to mention quite a few that were awful. But I also saw 9 vote results so inexplicable that they defy explanation:

Nine – Every entry in 2011. Most years we have to choose between several entries that blow us away: Performers, songs, & staging that are amazing. But in 2011 the best was merely “adequate”.  We were left selecting from who rose a bit beyond ok.  How did every country have just “average” acts?

Eight – Ok, we get it that Russia in 2010 was having a giant joke at our expense when they sent Peter Nalich (warning – this video is very painful to watch). But then people actually voted for him? An act that should have been last in the semi and quickly put out of its misery advanced to the final where it again pulled in substantial votes. The only explanation that makes sense was everyone thought they had to vote for Russia regardless of what they did.

Seven – Serbia sent Moje 3 with a beautiful song, 3 amazing singers, and staging that is possibly the worst in the history of Eurovision. The voting results are understandable due to the painfully bad staging. But why?

Six – Cristina Scarlat delivered a beautifully staged power performance, with a sound both compelling and unique. And the result? Last place. Granted, the first semi in 2014 was the most competitive semi in the history of the contest. But she delivered a performance that well deserved to advance on to the final. To give something so good last place is inexplicable. (This also put Romania in a quandary; they had to find someone else to award their 12 points to.)

Five – Kate Ryan (enough said…)

Four – Israel sent brilliant, powerful acts in 2013 & 2014 and what was the result? Last. In the semi! What is going on here? It’s like Israel is completely forgotten. Granted they’re way off on an edge far away from most of Europe, but so is Iceland. And it’s not that they get fewer votes than expected, they get ignored. Especially in 2014 when Austria & Israel clearly outclassed everyone else in their semi performances.

Three – Pastora Soler reached out and drew us into one of the most powerful performances ever in the history of Eurovision. And for a performance that should have been a solid second, what did she get? 10th. Perfect song, an amazing voice, and staging that was perfect; absolutely perfect. The response to such a powerful performance shows that Europe gives Spain no respect.

Two – Cezar delivered a truly astonishing performance in 2103. He showed a vocal range that was incredible with a song and staging that was perfect for him, and brilliant for Eurovision. The question remained:  How would the tele voters react to his performance because it was so different? Well the tele vote loved it. But the jury, that group of musical “professionals” almost universally panned it. The jurors showed themselves incapable of appreciating something outside the norm, no matter how brilliant.

One – Il Volo owned the final. In a field with a number of exceptional acts (Sweden, Russia, & more), they ended the show with a number that outclassed everything. And the tele vote agreed. But once more the jurors trashed it; again showing themselves incapable of appreciating something outside the norm, no matter how brilliant.