Category Archives: Classical concert/Albania/North Macedonia

Listen to Enalda Shehu and her performance of ‘Valton Beqiri – Quasi Kaba; Andante & Allegretto’

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Enalda Shehu is a talented young classical musician from Albania. She performed the classical piece of ‘Valton Beqiri – Quasi Kaba; Andante & Allegretto’ as part of her Diploma graduation.

Enalda has been studying in North Macedonia and the performance was set during a very difficult time with the current pandemic world situtation. The audience was strictly limited with important security measures in place. Enalda was very grateful to her leader and professor, Blerim Grubi. He shared his vast knowledge with Enalda and helped her through this difficult project.

Nita Grubi was the pianist accompanying Enalda and she would like to express her thanks for her help and expert playing.

The video was courtesy of Vedut Osmani.

You can watch Enalda perform below.

Source: ESC Covers