The singer TAMTA, who represented Cyprus at the 2019 Eurovision song contest, teamed up with SNIK and brought out a new song called SENORITA.
The song is composed by Snik, 2nd roof, BretBeats and Oge. The production is by 2nd Roof and BretBeats.
ANNA ODOBESCU, who represented MOLDOVA at the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest in Tel Aviv with STAY, has a new song out and it is again a one word title, DREAMING.
Georgios Kalpakidis from Greece was again one of the composers. The full composers are Georgios Kalpakidis, Niklas Bergqvist, Simon Johansson and Gloria Gorceag, The arrangement is by Stefan Axanii. Mix and mastering is by Serghei Teaca.
ELENA TEMNIKOVA, who was part of the group SEREBRO that represented Russia in 2007 at the Eurovision Song Contest, has a new song and video out. It is called DUSHIT YUVELIRKA (Strangling jeweller).
It has been out for a week or so and already has over 1.8 million views.
GROMEE, who represented Poland at the 2018 Eurovision song contest in Lisbon with Light Me Up, is back with a new song called LOVE YOU BETTER. He is now without Lukas Meijer.
We kick off the 20 week long project where we will look at 5 covers each of 20 classic Eurovision winners over the 64 years since Eurovision started in 1956.
Week one focus on the 1976 winner from the United Kingdom SAVE YOUR KISSES FOR ME of BROTHERHOOD OF MAN.
The first of 5 covers for the week is one in LATVIAN
TULIA, who represented Poland at the 2019 Eurovision song contest, teamed up with KASIA KOWALSKA, who represented Poland at the 1996 contest and have a song called TRAWNIK (Lawn).
ESC Covers had been informed about a book which will soon be available. The book is called NO MORE KISSES FOR ME and the author is Gayle Hiller, the daughter of the composer Tony Hiller, who died last year. Tony, together with the two male members of Brotherhood of man, wrote the song SAVE YOUR KISSES FOR ME. This song was the Eurovision entry of the United Kingdom in 1976 and won. It also became one of the biggest selling singles ever, reaching the charts in over 40 countries. From what we have received, the book tells the sad story of a very successful composer but someone who left his wife and children for another life and there was no more kisses for his family. There are always two sides to a story and it is not up to ESC Covers to make a judgement but as the book is about someone who had a great influence on the Eurovision song contest, we felt it was important to give some exposure to the book. Hopefully Gayle also got some kind of closure on a horrible time in her life by writing the book and putting everything in words, This is usually a big step in the healing process. The story is also of importance to ESC Covers as of Monday when we start our 20 week project about 20 Eurovision winners and covers of those winners, we actually start off with SAVE YOUR KISSES FOR ME. We have more than 20 covers of this song, but only 5 will be highlighted in the 5 weekdays next week.
The 2009 Eurovision entry from Turkey, DUM TEK TEK of Hadise was covered in the Sindhi language by SHEHLA GUL as CHUP CHUP.