
Next up is a task for the fashion experts. Netherlands has picked DOUWE BOB as their artist for Stockholm. He appeared on TV with his underpants and a coat and says this is what he would like to wear in Stockholm.

Now we know the Netherlands has had some flops in the clothing department. My best recollection is 1984 when Maribelle sang IK HOU VAN JOUW but all I remember was the dress with the huge bow and the song escaped me totally. Many said Joan Franka also picked the wrong outfit and who will forget Vienna with Trinjntje Oosterhuis and the dress in the first rehearsals – looking like a piece of the puzzle was missing.

You must now advice the Dutch delegation as to what would be the best for Douw to wear.

44 thoughts on “FORTH GAME FOR POINTS”

  1. Douwe is a young guy who probably could get away with wearing just his underpants – but I’m going to suggest he steers clear of that.

    Instead, I think he should go for a Frank Sinatra look. A white shirt and tie, a well cut suit, some nice leather shoes and either a stylish hat or his hair combed back into a small quiff – which is a very popular look these days. He would look great!

  2. I would advise Netherlands and Doug Bob to keep it smart, simple and classy. A well-tailored modern black suit never goes wrong, with or without a tie depending upon the mood of the song. If the song is big and over the top, accessorize with some cool rings, bracelets or chains. Leave the silly cloaks and scarves to Eastern countries where that kind of stages look is considered appropriate.

  3. There is definitely no formula when it comes to picking an artists outfit! And with millions of people watching it is the easiest thing to pick apart.

    Some things I think they should consider:

    1. Goes with the song – (Lordi)
    2. Suits their body shape – (Moran Mazor Israel 2013 – I think it kinda works. This is perhaps what Trinjntje was channeling. Good on ‘em for going against what people expect. Although Douwe probably won’t be judged as harsh anyway.)
    3. Works with the lighting – (Iris Belgium 2012 – young girl, small dress and transparent at the start of her performance – vulnerability anyone?)
    4. Shows they have put in an effort – (Jeans, a t-shirt and runners, in any combination, never really cut it for me, even if the song is great.)

    It wouldn’t be Eurovision without people making bad decisions here!

  4. DEFINITELY time to keep it simple and take the attention away from the costume choices. I think Douwe Bob looks excellent in his signature white shirt/black pants/loose black tie. Maybe a black suit jacket as well, but he wouldn’t want to look too much like Denmark 2014 (or Netherlands 2014 for that matter). I think this look really compliments his folk/country music.

  5. Hmmmm fashion is an area where, unfortunately, I fall quite flat. I actually liked the puzzle dress from Netherlands this year, but hated the parachute she ended up wearing. Where douwe bob is concerned I think less is more. He’s a pretty earthy kind of artist so I’d stick with Browns, greys possibly green, maybe a cowboy style hat, but something casual, not too loose, we don’t want him looking homeless! Keep away from anything remotely hipster, as he seems the real deal, not faking it. nothing outlandish, I think his performance will sell the song, there should be no need to doll it up with a silly outfit

  6. I also liked the puzzle dress this year and also thought it was better than the parachute thing that was worn.

    It’s funny, when I read this challenge, I immediately thought of the video clip from MF artist Midnight Boy of the song When You’re Strange (you can find it on Vimeo).

    Totally inappropriate in Eurovision – outrageous is what I hear! But if he started fully clothed and then started undressing to the song and ends up naked. Would avoid the Barbara Dex award technically!

    Personally I don’t think you need to dress outrageously at Eurovision. Good song, sung well, is what’s going to get you there – or at least mostly there.

    1. Sorry, I should also add in there, that would only be appropriate if it was helping to make a point, because as Midnight Boy’s video says at the end, there is no difference when we’re naked.

  7. Ahhhh the Netherlands and outfits… Sooo much time to prepare their artist… So often wrong.

    In this case, surely it would be best to keep Douwe true to himself: casual but not lazy, approachable but not daggy, chic but not stuffy. I think styling him like the handsome indie artist he is would be best. Nothing gaudy, over the top or ludicrously laughable will maintain some artistic credibility and actually allow the listener to focus on the song rather than his presentation.

  8. I think they should consult the Barbara Dex list and make an outfit using the highlights from each year. Somehow combine Guildo Horn’s green smoking jacket with Trijntje’s potato sack dress, and add in Vilija’s turquoise leather tutu for good measure. Top it off with a silver raincoat and Douwe is sure to make a splash!

  9. Douwe’s outfit should resinate with the song style. Having said that, his general laid back classy style in of itself is totally workable. Perhaps something of the 50’s genre would definitely work, a James Bond-esk vibe. Douwe could certainly pull it off.

  10. The KISS principal comes into play here! Keep It Simple Stupid!

    Keep is simple, clean and elegant and the outfit won’t distract from the song. Mans is a great example – jeans and a t-shirt and you focused on him and the song, and not what he was wearing.

  11. Well, in his music video Multicoloured Angels he wore an untucked plain pink shirt and baggy jeans. The look was drab. And then again in the Take Me Home video, it looks like he wore the exact same outfit. Either we may be seeing an accidental trend, or Douwe Bob has a favorite outfit. Regardless, I would tell him he needs to step his look up a bit. He’s got a great skin tone and piercing eye, so I would go with darker colors for the shirt. But instead of a tie, maybe something fresher, like a bolo. And for goodness sake, get some tighter jeans. Nobody likes to see saggy pants.

  12. Classy grunge… that should be Douwe’s style/outfit.
    The styling has to match the song (everything has to be integrated and properly highlighted), and since Douwe Bob will bring (most likely) something in the folk genre, he has to keep it naively provocative, simple and elegant for the night: The boy next door in a night out with his guitar, dark jeans, white shirt and a blazer.

  13. The underwear and coat idea would make people remember you but for potentially the wrong reasons. He could do something simple like a white tank and ripped jeans for that smoldering look but is that really Eurovision? Better off with a white formal shirt with folded up sleeves and a vest to keep it classier.

  14. Douwe Bob – what name, I’m sure he’ll think of something original.

    If you look back at recent winners most have worn clothes that suit their personality and style with a little something to keep people interested (Mans – leather pants, Conchita – beard, Emmelie – bare feet).

    Not many winners have had ‘over the top’ costumes (Ruslana, Lordi). But if Douwe likes his jocks maybe he should mix it up with some suspenders and fishnets – Rocky Horror style!

  15. Something understated that no one notices so the focus is on the song and the presentation. Male vocalists that make the top 10 wear outfits that are utterly forgettable.

  16. I also consider they must forget the underwear! The Netherlands should consider something classy: a blue suit, white shirt and a single coloured tie. Justo keep it simple.

  17. I’ve seen some photos of Douwe Bob looking very suave in a shirt and undone tie. Kind of like a disheveled Michael Buble. I think he should keep this look – formal but still cool and funky. Perhaps in a nod to the grandiosity of the occasion he could wear a lounge jacket in a luxury material like a velvet or a brocade – something a bit metallic perhaps that would stand out more on stage.

  18. Douwe Bob really reminds me of Johnny Cash (or at least Joaquin Phoenix in “Walk the Line”), so I’m going to suggest he go for that look.

    I’m thinking all in black, with a country feel (not *too* country, this is the ESC after all!), maybe some Cuban heels or something to top off the look. This would fit well with his “guy with a guitar” image, and might just appeal to a few audience members/voters.

  19. Douwe Bob is not a bad looking guy, he is young and I can see why he suggested to wear just his pants and a coat. I’m always saying if you’ve got it flaunt it but in this case if he does that he will be remembered as that guy in his pants and not for the song.

    My advice would be to wear something stylish but simple a nice shirt, jacket, chinos and high tops, Also making him look his age not older.

  20. Let’s go all Alexander Rybak: black pants and vest/waistcoat, fine white shirt with cufflinks, tousled hair. Rybak’s dancers had a good look with the suspenders/braces. Keep the clothes classy and breakout with the hair and facial expressions. But, most importantly, put some energy into the performance.

  21. The outfit should be styled with the song in mind. If a suit, a nice simple, modern cut suit along the the lines of Loïc’s, needs to be modern to suit his age. I would also say that a more casual approach were taken, nothing wrong with nicely cut jeans, not baggy, a nice shirt and waistcoat. Will just have to wait and see what he will wear.

  22. It depends on the song. If he goes fullblown country with his song, then blue jeans, a plaid shirt, and boots (or barefeet) would be best. If he goes more pop, then A nice, casual button-down shirt (unbuttoned about 1/3 of the way), some nice slacks, and loafers would be a great outfit. If he does a ballad, then a nice t-shirt and slacks would do.

  23. I agree with others that the outfit would naturally have to fit the song. In general though, Douwe does not need a whole lot of ‘help’ to look good. He typically does a lot of the ‘white shirt with loose tie and jacket’ look – which might work. However, I would recommend going even more casual – white shirt, jeans, barefoot – as if the audience was watching him rehearse in his home. I think he looks best when he looks comfortable and not constrained.

  24. The underwear and cost of course wouldn’t go down too well with some countries. The audience might like it though.

    Like everyone here I think it of course needs to match with the song. Button up shirt with a jacket and jeans would be great…but then again it would depend on the song though – if he wants to look sexy then maybe Tojan style would be great – or what Sakis Rouvas from 2009 wore I think it would look great though.

  25. First of all, Douwe is young and pretty handsome, so an elegant suit would fit him best. I think though, that he should match his clothing to the song. Marco Mengoni wore a dark blue suit that matched to his song and it was a minimalistic appearance, but with style and class.

    In my opinion he shouldn’t be bare chested or half naked on the stage. Look at Ryan Dolan from Ireland. He was bare chested and got the last place.

    Elegance and simplicity really make a diiference, so my advice for them is to wear a suit (no matter blue, black or dark brown).

  26. I think that most delegations try too hard when it comes to the outfit. Look at the what the artist is known for, what looks good on him, and what is appropriate for his age.

    Too often, the solution is to put the young male artist in a suit, even though he is never seen in a suit. Or to go for something very different.

    Douwe Bob is young, so start there. I would put him in a pair of good fitting trousers, t-shirt and a nice modern blazer, and perhaps some sneakers, rather than formal shoes. Nothing shiny. A show outfit should compliment the singer, not distract the audience.

  27. I would begin with the colour. Look at past performances and determine what colour looks best on Douwe Bob, taking into account that he will be on stage with light shining down on him. What will bring out his eyes? What works with his complexion?

    Once you have chosen the colour, determine what style of clothing looks good. Does he look good, but still young in a suit? Should he have a t-shirt with a round or v-neck? Maybe a shirt with 1 button undone?

    Now narrow it down to 5 or 6 different options and film him performing in all of them. What colour backdrop will make him standout?

    Just don’t try to turn him into something he isn’t. It needs to be appropriate.

  28. I think less is more. Given his music style and personality, I like something simple that looks good — for example a bright spotlight on him and his guitar. No muscle tee (he doesn’t have enough muscles) but rather a simple black leather jacket and white tee. I think this picture best depicts DBob in an authentic compelling look . . .

  29. What wrong with him only wearing underwear and a coat? I think that sounds like a great idea and something the usual crowd would enjoy – but might distract a bit from the song. I did a google image search of him and I think he looks best in a jeans and t-shirt – something simple that would show he isn’t trying to grandstand, but wants you to focus on the song.

  30. Oh, Douwe Bob…what are we going to do with you? He should retire the underwear for eternity and up his fashion choices. What better way to show this newly found confidence and maturity than leather? A distressed leather jacket always looks great with a muted tee underneath. For the bottom I would dress him in well-fitting studded denim with a pair of classy, refined oxfords to add an element.

  31. I would put him in modern coloured jeans. Would need to see which colour would do him justice, but not too bright, maybe on a darker shade. The top could be a TShirt or a crisp white shirt with a vest. Topped off with a leather jacket that could be taken off. It really depends on the song and the performance.

  32. I am quite liking the idea of a young guy in underwear but as someone else has mentioned, it will possibly be a winner with the audience and a not a positive experience for the artist.
    I think Mans got it right and keeping it plain and simple, black goes down well and if someone can dance well, then this detracts from what they are wearing anyway

  33. Douwe has a James Dean look about him so I would go with something simple and practical. I would put Douwe into a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt and a black leather jacket. Nothing baggy or loose – all fitted. Add his guitar to complete the look. This would be in keeping with Douwe’s style of music.

  34. I would say the outfit needs to match not only the artist but also the song, therefore it is difficult to advise on what he should be wearing. I looked up some of this earlier music videos and first of all I have to say I quite like his songs! My first thought would be to wear something influenced by Pharrell Williams’s look in “Happy”, classic and perhaps with a bit oldies influence.

  35. I quite like a good body and he looks great. Hot guys always get an extra point from me. In saying that there is a lot to be said about a suave looking guy in a suit.

    Maybe the compromise a singlet and shorts?

  36. One rule. Less is more. No, not less ass in showing skin like 2015, but less as in simple. I’m thinking of slim pants and a button down shirt with the first few buttons on top open. I get an acoustic guitar jam singer from him so this should for him.

    Depending on the tempo and mood of the song:

    Black/dark blue shirt with black or leather pants for slower/sad songs.

    A bright colored shirt like a light red shirt for a happy go lucky song with pants depending on staging colors.

  37. Outfits, Yes!

    I would suggest something futuristic, simple and modern, something like Loic for Belgium 2015, but original , of course.

    Black or white Matrix- movie like could be interesting.

  38. Mmmm good question,

    I’m not so fan of glitter and shiny clothes, or the out fashioned suprise outfit ( Croatia 1998, Latvia 2002, Belarus 2005) i think also that outfit must be according with the song he’ll sing.

    Something simple always will be a good option… simple but not boring …

  39. I do see him wearing a light blue/white shirt with a vest. Dark blue slacks or can be jeans.

    Like Will Shuester without a tie and waaayyyy relaxed.

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