ESC Covers again google translated the review by Morten Thomassen from Norwegian to English.

This is a blog entry and represents only writer Morten Thomassen’s own views.

Two exciting semi-finals are over and I “only” managed 8 straight in the last one as well, but since Norway made it to the final I’m actually quite OK with that.

37 songs have become 26 finale songs and I will judge these to the best of my ability and finally I will try to guess who will lift the victory trophy when the Saturday evening is over.

And this evening is important, juries in all 37 countries will sit and watch and give their points which count for almost half or to be completely correct 48%, the people’s juries are reinforced with a jury that represents all countries that are not part of the ESC .

Melody 1 – Sweden –

For its final, it was a stroke of luck that the home hope opens the ball. The atmosphere is going to be at its best and with such a complete show as these guys put on, all you have to do is take off your hat and take a bow. The only real problem here is that the song is not as strong as the performance, it lacks that little something extra.

Melody 2 – Ukraine –

The good mood didn’t last long, we sail towards the more gloomy when our Ukrainian friends give us a demonstration of how to perform a melancholic song with weight. You feel the pain and intensity in the song through your bones and bones and once again this country manages to deliver the goods.

Melody 3 – Germany –

It gets really hot on stage and the vocalist also has quite a lot of warmth and power in his voice, which is always a good thing. However, not everyone is able to make gold out of a song of the gravel type, which I feel we are being served here. It’s hot, but it never manages to take off so it will disappear in the crowd I’m afraid.

Melody 4 – Luxembourg –

This country, which has served us a good number of legendary ballads, bets in its comeback on music of the hotter type, quite unusual for them to be. And since very few people probably associate this country with this kind of music, the performance is only really hot, it doesn’t catch fire, but it’s just this kind of lukewarm.

Melody 5 – The Netherlands –

Due to various circumstances, the performance from the semi-final will be shown. It was decent enough, but I probably haven’t changed my mind that this is primarily quite fussy and to the extent that any kind of message is to be delivered here, it is probably very veiled and inaccessible. But, the hall is there, so that’s something.

Melody 6 – Israel –

Despite the circumstances, to the extent that you manage to shut out everything else, this is a lovely song, performed in an outstanding manner and with great conviction. Musically speaking, it’s no wonder that they climb the odds, but you can wonder if there are other things that have taken them there. Definitely the final’s biggest moment of excitement.

Melody 7 – Lithuania –

Loads of young men with tough attitudes in many varieties in this final and this guy gives us three danceable minutes in Lithuanian and it never hurt. I myself feel that this song will probably be monotonous to the point that I want to join in on this ride, but kudos to the attempt he must have.

Melody 8 – Spain –

Our Spanish friends are served wonderful 80s music performed by an artist who, just like me, was young in the 80s. But, age is now just a number and I’m now starting to like the slightly give-and-take attitude we are served here. Then you have to live with the fact that the vocal efforts may not quite stand up, it’s fun.

Melody 9 – Estonia –

The fact that so many songs this year are bursting with energy on so many levels and the challenge for these is to get the energy in the song out on stage and not least in the TV route. I think the Estonian guys manage that in a cool way and even if the whole song screams booze party, it doesn’t scare me from wanting to be part of that party.

Melody 10 – Ireland –

Then we’re going to the song that has possibly collected the most new fans since we saw it on stage for the first time, as a kind of self-proclaimed witch, this character has tricked many people in, but not me, no. Fantastic and spectacular show notwithstanding, for me the melody that could hook me in is missing.

Melody 11 – Latvia –

With only 15% confidence from the bookmakers, this song made it to the final and it is possibly the one with the worst odds that has ever made it to the final. Good for this country that they finally made it to the final and this shows that if you send one of your best artists, this can pay off. Vocally one of the better ones during this final.

Melody 12 – Greece –

Countries that choose to bring something from their national culture should always be happy, but it is perhaps not too much to ask that what we are served has something to do with it. To my ears and as far as eyes, absolutely everything is wrong here. Messy song, annoying vocals, fussy performance and a costume I’d rather throw on a bonfire. However, the lady has charm.

Melody 13 – Great Britain –

The time as a family program is obviously over for this 68-year-old, and he sort of takes it out completely when the limits are nevertheless crossed. I don’t have it in me to react to something like that, but I understand those who don’t quite feel this is within them. But, since this is within my book I have to admit that I like this and love the uniqueness of the issue.

Melody 14 – Norway –

Our Norwegian representatives had a good run into the final and even though Gunhild was completely exhausted after the final place was clear, I can announce that all batteries are now charged and ready to deliver full energy on stage. This is so intense that it probably affects the thing that measures earthquakes, I think. We have included a Queen of Kings this year as well.

Melody 15 – Italy –

If you are looking for a birthplace for ESC, you probably have to go to this country. They never fail when it comes to delivering artists who know how to deliver their musical goods. No intake this year, but this year I feel that they have moved a little too far away from the typical Italian and become a little too Latino with their slightly fussy song.

Melody 16 – Serbia –

Now it was actually nice that we calmed down a bit after quite a few songs with a more intense character. Balkan ballads are very rarely wrong and especially not when it is as passionately performed as this one is. However, it may not be one of the most unique things we’ve ever heard, but it’s still a lovely calm break.

Melody 17 – Finland –

Then we were back on the road in a slightly more undressed version and I think many people might not think this is something to show in a so-called family program either, but since I’ve been in this family for so long I buy these raw, skin-colored panties despite . The second rølp song of the evening and I obviously have a thing for rølp this year.

Melody 18 – Portugal –

Another country that rarely fails and is very true to what they have as their unique culture are our Portuguese friends, but sometimes it might be in order to try something new. Yes, great and intense performance in every way, we’ve heard this before and it gives me very little.

Melody 19 – Armenia –

Our Armenian friends invite us to a pretty big party and who wouldn’t want that? Well, I think I prefer parties that are a little less fussy and loud than this. I also don’t think they bring out the energy in the song in a proper way on stage, it’s a bit too contrived.

Melody 20 – Cyprus –

We got our share of pretty and danceable singing lady with handsome men who make her shine even better on stage. In other words, a fairly well-used recipe and I’ve probably had cakes of this type that have had less appeal than this one. However, not disturbingly original and more than a little too many on the dozen songs.

Melody 21 – Switzerland –

For someone who doesn’t quite have balance as a great quality, you can’t help but be impressed by what happens on stage during this number, that the artist both manages to sing well and stay on his feet is quite a feat in my eyes. It doesn’t hurt that the song is good as well, even if it crosses a bit too many genres for my taste.

Melody 22 – Slovenia –

There are not many quiet moments during this final and it may seem that quiet moments are best delivered Balkan-style. Now this song is a bit more dramatic than we are usually served when it comes to ballads, but it is delivered with conviction in the vast majority of areas, although there is a bit too much screaming towards the end for my part.

Melody 23 – Croatia –

The favorite to win at the time of writing and all I can say is, yes please. Fierce, life-affirming and energetic that will make the hall go wild and it rarely hurts to be able to sing so late in the broadcast. And since it is as cold as it is in the final city now, one can only say that warmer areas are very tempting.

Melody 24 – Georgia –

There are obviously several people who want the stage show they put on to formally smell burnt off and someone who has obviously received most of what they have pointed out is our Georgian friend. But, sometimes there can be too much of a good thing, what we see appears very loaded and over the top.

Melody 25 – France –

It very rarely goes wrong when a ballad of the very French type is served to us and especially when it is done with such power and confidence as this one. This is quite simply a demonstration of power that you rarely see and when you stand far away from the microphone and sing, goosebumps are a given.

Melody 26 – Austria –

It’s always an honor to end the ESC show, your song will somehow lead us further into the party that will finally choose a winner. And with everything that is happening in this year’s ESC, it may feel as if we are rambling on and not moving forward with steady steps. Cool song, but for me both the vocals and the dancing are a bit tame compared to the energy level in the song.

Then I will guess who will take home the victory and I think it will travel quite a bit from the Swedish shores.

At the time of writing, Croatia has a 42% chance of winning against Israel, which stands at 20%. It should normally lead to victory, but this year is probably as far from normal as it is possible to get.

Musically speaking, I have nothing against Israel winning, but in all other ways I think it will harm the competition we love so much and that is actually what I have the main focus on.

On the other hand, I think a Croatian victory will give the competition the boost it deserves after a year where the focus has been on things other than the musical and that’s where we want the focus to return to, don’t we.

So I’m rooting for Croatia to win and for an artist named Baby Lasagna to have a hard hitting summer hit with his song “Rim Tim Tagi Dim”.

Featured image – Youtube

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