The massive 70s number one hit song, Yes Sir, I Can Boogie, by Baccara has become the theme of the Scotland international football team. They have just exited the delayed Euro 2020 competition but the song will live on with the team and the fans.
Yes, Sir I Can Boogie became the unofficial anthem the team when ecstatic players dancing to the tune went viral after Scotland qualified for Euro 2020 by defeating Serbia on penalties in November.
Baccara represented Luxembourg at the 1978 Eurovision Song Contest with Parlez-vous français?
Check out Yes Sir, I Can Boogie below with a tribute the Scottish football team and also Baccara performing the song. You can also see the 1978 Eurovision entry, Parlez-vous francais?
Source: ESC Covers
Yes sir I can boogie, unfortunately they probably boogied too much and therefore failed to reach the next round of Euro 2020.